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Every age and every culture produce their own particular set of ‘False Gods’ and their associated narratives. Each of these ‘False Gods’ is supported by a whole range of sub-mythologies and ideological delusions that seek to justify, rationalise and normalise the worship of the particular ‘False God’.
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Seán English
Seán English is the author of a number of books, essays and papers on subjects ranging from the study of Peace to the study of Human Reality.
He has published some of his books under the name of ‘John Jacob English’. He used the name ‘Jacob’, which was his mother’s family name and the name that reflects the Quaker tradition of peace activism. He has also published under the name ‘John Naughton English’. ‘Naughton’ is Marian’s (his wife’s) family name and a name that has its roots in ancient Irish culture.
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Seán English
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